In 2021, Seattle Art Museum (SAM)’s Board of Trustees hired third-party security contractors to deter unhoused individuals from sleeping outside the closed museum.
This choice had tragic consequences.
Now SAM’s board, this time to attempt to undercut their workers’ fight for a better life, plans to make the same mistake again. On ____ the board of trustees announced they will hire scab security workers, while its workers strike for better wages.
Below, find the details of SAM’s history with third-party security contractors:
I ask you to consider a scenario. We stop the perimeter security checks, and one of your colleagues gets hurt or worse by someone with a broken bottle. I have to call their parent, partner, or friend to explain what happened and express my condolences. And that family member or friend asks me why we didn’t protect their loved one. What’s my answer? Because a small group of staff didn’t like the idea? Because I was afraid of what you would think of me? - SAM CEO Amada Cruz via all-staff email, 6.25.21